Today we deal with the craftsmanship of precious metals talking about the Dabbene Silverware in Largo Treves 2 in Milan, a historic silverware well known in the city, born at the beginning of the twentieth century as Ronchi (the previous owners), and then purchased in 1938 by Mr. Marco Dabbene, which thus started the family business in the field of silverware. After him the management passed to his sons Roberto and Armando, and today to their sons. And so, having reached the third generation, we have come to celebrate 80 years of activity.
The progenitor, Marco Dabbene, was a fine craftsman in the sector who had learned the art of chiselling at the school of the Società Umanitaria in Milan. This was the push that allowed to successfully start and continue the business in Largo Treves with a shop facing the street, an internal laboratory and a house on the 1st floor.
Thanks to its skilled craftsmen, the laboratory is able to create silverware objects starting from the drawing which, interpreting the customer’s desire, comes to realize the desired object through the various processing stages: turning, chiseling, engraving, welding, embossing, cleaning and other operations.
The experience and passion currently breathed in Dabbene Silverware has today Mr. Roberto as a point of reference, who has added to the artisan and commercial competence, the desire to transmit the knowledge of the tradition and craftsmanship of silver. In this regard, in addition to being a reference expert for important national auction houses, he is the author of several publications on craftsmanship and silver antiques, such as:
• Milanese silver – History and hallmarks
• The discreet charm of the artisan shops
• Care and conservation of an asset – Jewels and Silver
Roberto Dabbene’s foresight has led to the expansion of the Largo Treves shop’s business, making it a center of relationships, and proposing series of lessons on Italian Antique Silver related solely to the pleasure of making known and valued a fascinating world!
Argenteria Dabbene – Largo Claudio Treves 2, Milano – Tel. 02 6554406